What does W.I.S.E.R. mean?

“Are you being the woman you want to be - in mind, body, and soul?

I knew when I started my coaching business I wanted to work with women. I had no idea that years later I’d be broadening my coaching practice to include anxiety/stress, transforming deep, core beliefs, exploring big questions like “who am I now”, and “what do I really want”.? And, there’s still the emotional eating puzzle to unravel and the question “how do I take care of myself and love who I am deeply and completely.”

As I sat thinking about what to call my business, other than to use my name, the word wisdom came to me – combining wisdom and women seemed like a no-brainer. This led me to creating W.I.S.E.R. Woman – a woman with wisdom, intuition, self-compassion, energy and (self) responsibility. These are qualities that we, as women, need to draw upon and deepen within us. They are qualities fundamental to our healing, growth, and becoming more of who we want to be. They are, really, the foundation of the work I do as a coach, EFT, Heartstsream Process & NLP practitioner.

Wisdom ♦︎ Intuition ♦︎ Self-Compassion ♦︎ Energy ♦︎ Responsibility

Apply the W.I.S.E.R. Woman philosophy to your life




For the W.I.S.E.R Woman, wisdom is to know what is true, right, and appropriate for one’s life; she heeds this meaning or reason at a deep level.




Intuition is our instinctive knowing without conscious thought or reasoning. Intuition can be felt in our bodies – it is that “knowing” we feel through meditation, getting quiet, “going within”, being grounded. Intuition crosses into the unconscious and even spiritual realms.




Self-compassion where love and caring must be extended to ourselves as much as to others. It's about being kind to ourselves and practicing the same kindness and care we’d offer to a good friend or loved one. It means being supportive of and understanding about our mistakes, our foibles, and warts without letting ourselves off the hook for taking care of our needs.




Energy is about our physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional strength – our ability to be active and “alive”. We are made of energy and as such, our energy can be used to heal us. Is it any accident that we feel "chemistry" with each other, or simple techniques like Emotional Freedom Techniques, shift how we feel energetically, emotionally and physically? Energy is not only about our bodies feeling tired after a long day, but about being able to tap into the "energy" around us or shift the flow of energy we experience within.




Self- Responsibility is a cornerstone of being the woman you want to be. You, and you alone, must take care of your mind, body and spirit. Leaving it to someone else doesn't guarantee you'll get what you need or want - it's as though you're a passenger in your life instead of sitting in the driver's seat! Being responsible for your spirit, thoughts, feelings, actions and life in general, allows you to own your power, to be an agent of change, and make decisions for you best and highest good.

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